दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection


Meanings of

cold dish
  1. आल्लें  (n.)
    Category: Side dish
    made of coconut, green chillies, ginger and curd and tempered with mustard, cumin and curry leaves
  2. आवाळ्या पोळतें  (n.)
    Category: Cold dish
    of gooseberries, red or green chillies and tamarind or curd tempered with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves
  3. गाब्या पोळतें  (n.)
    Category: Cold dish
    of banana stem heart, red chillies and tamarind or curd tempered with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves
  4. गोज्जु  (n.)
    Category: Side dish
    of brinjal or bitter gourd
  5. जीवे आंब्या पोळतें  (n.)
    Category: Cold dish
    of raw mango, red chillies and tempered with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves
  6. तांबळी  (n.)
    Category: Side dish
    of spiced ground coconut scrapings
  7. नोणच्या आवळ्या पोळतें  (n.)
    Category: Cold dish
    of pickled gooseberries, red chillies and tempered with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves
  8. पोळतें  (n.)
    Category: Side dish
    minced vegetables like raw or pickled mango, banana stem heart, gooseberry etc. seasoned with salt, chillies and curd and tempered with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves
  9. मेणायेंतु कूक चिरडिल्लें  (n.)
    Category: Side dish
    of steamed and mashed potatoes, tomatoes etc. mixed in curd
  10. मोग्या पोळतें  (n.)
    Category: Cold dish
    of cucumber, red chillies and tamarind or curd tempered with mustard, cumin seeds and curry leaves

Related matches for

cold dish
Side dishसोपूरी रांवदय Cold dishपोळतें