दक्षिण कोंकणी उतरावळि

A Southern Konkani Vocabulary Collection


Meanings of

  1. तांक  (n.)
    Category: Abstract nouns
  2. बळ  (n.)
    Category: Abstract nouns

Related matches for

  1. might sour
  2. might admonish
  3. might berate
  4. might reprimand
  5. might evaporate
  6. might condense
  7. might think
  8. might assume
  9. might guess
  10. might collide
  11. might slam
  12. might bump
  13. might crash
  14. might hit
  15. might smash
  16. might strike
  17. might dash
  18. might touch
  19. might feel
  20. might cause to touch
  21. might call
  22. might invite
  23. might summon
  24. might evoke
  25. might convene
  26. might hear
  27. might listen
  28. might obey
  29. might heed
  30. might cause to listen
  31. might tell
  32. might communicate
  33. might narrate
  34. might recite
  35. might recount
  36. might force to obey
  37. might relate
  38. might launder
  39. might parboil
  40. might half stew
  41. might cook
  42. might steam boil
  43. might steam
  44. might boil
  45. might open
  46. might escape
  47. might duck out
  48. might flee
  49. might clean
  50. might brighten
  51. might whiten
  52. might lighten
  53. might publish
  54. might illumine
  55. might awaken
  56. might rouse
  57. might raise
  58. might wake up
  59. might awake
  60. might arise
  61. might rise
  62. might get up
  63. might throw
  64. might toss
  65. might pitch
  66. might hurl
  67. might fling
  68. might drop
  69. might cast aside
  70. might abandon
  71. might fly
  72. might float in air
  73. might glide
  74. might cause to lift
  75. might lift
  76. might hoist
  77. might heave
  78. might elevate
  79. might erect
  80. might build
  81. might pick up
  82. might overturn
  83. might capsize
  84. might upset
  85. might invert
  86. might topple
  87. might flip over
  88. might talk
  89. might speak
  90. might converse
  91. might scold
  92. might splash
  93. might spray
  94. might shower
  95. might squirt
  96. might vomit
  97. might puke
  98. might disgorge
  99. might throw up
  100. might pull
  101. might drag
  102. might draw
  103. might be attracted
  104. might smoke
  105. might spill
  106. might hasten someone
  107. might urge on to hurry
  108. might heat
  109. might stir
  110. might brew
  111. might melt
  112. might cause boil
  113. might boil and condense
  114. might dissolve
  115. might crush to powder
  116. might tread and crush
  117. might char
  118. might over fry
  119. might sear
  120. might get done
  121. might do
  122. might make
  123. might act
  124. might cause to oxidise
  125. might tarnish
  126. might get to know
  127. might inform
  128. might apprise
  129. might notify
  130. might let know
  131. might furl
  132. might curl up
  133. might roll up
  134. might fold up
  135. might pound
  136. might grate
  137. might scrape
  138. might take
  139. might draw in
  140. might remove
  141. might unfasten
  142. might cut
  143. might fell
  144. might snip
  145. might shear
  146. might prune
  147. might amputate
  148. might sever
  149. might mix
  150. might write illegibly
  151. might crush
  152. might grind
  153. might gnash
  154. might cry shrilly
  155. might cause to germinate
  156. might forage
  157. might feel sleepy
  158. might be drowsy
  159. might rot
  160. might ret
  161. might leave to rot
  162. might bore holes
  163. might pierce
  164. might perforate
  165. might pick at
  166. might prick
  167. might gouge
  168. might hew by knife
  169. might hash
  170. might hack
  171. might make cuts
  172. might wash clothes
  173. might be angry
  174. might chastise
  175. might rebuke
  176. might gnaw
  177. might burrow
  178. might nibble
  179. might carve
  180. might plough
  181. might till
  182. might rake
  183. might disorganise
  184. might become rancid
  185. might make stains
  186. might blot
  187. might sully
  188. might bring fear
  189. might alarm
  190. might unnerve
  191. might frighten
  192. might scare
  193. might terrorise
  194. might be alarmed
  195. might be unnerved
  196. might be frightend
  197. might be scared
  198. might abrade
  199. might scratch to relieve itch
  200. might itch
  201. might agitate
  202. might scale
  203. might strip off
  204. might detach scales
  205. might cough
  206. might eat
  207. might feed
  208. might pluck
  209. might nip up leaves
  210. might pull up plants
  211. might uproot
  212. might play
  213. might make someone play
  214. might stab
  215. might butt with horns
  216. might gore
  217. might wound
  218. might jab
  219. might ram
  220. might poke
  221. might elbow
  222. might dig
  223. might mine
  224. might excavate
  225. might tuck in
  226. might fasten
  227. might pin
  228. might taunt and harass
  229. might trouble
  230. might maltreat
  231. might irk
  232. might vex
  233. might accuse
  234. might cause to flow
  235. might cause to fall
  236. might sieve
  237. might strain
  238. might filter
  239. might swallow
  240. might devour
  241. might cover
  242. might twist around
  243. might roll in
  244. might roll in and pack
  245. might wrap
  246. might wear
  247. might entwine
  248. might envelope
  249. might form clots
  250. might cause to congeal in lumps
  251. might sweeten
  252. might create
  253. might spit up
  254. might rub
  255. might brush
  256. might excoriate
  257. might buff
  258. might scour
  259. might churn
  260. might put in
  261. might put on
  262. might fill
  263. might pour
  264. might insert
  265. might let fall
  266. might roll and suck
  267. might assimilate
  268. might absorb
  269. might scrub
  270. might cleanse
  271. might polish
  272. might scour and wash
  273. might spin
  274. might twist
  275. might veer off
  276. might meander
  277. might turn something around
  278. might whirl
  279. might twirl
  280. might rotate
  281. might swirl
  282. might stifle
  283. might throttle
  284. might strangulate
  285. might turn round
  286. might revolve
  287. might swerve
  288. might gyrate
  289. might feel dizzy
  290. might buy
  291. might purchase
  292. might receive
  293. might get
  294. might accept
  295. might snore
  296. might climb
  297. might mount
  298. might ascend
  299. might embark
  300. might swell
  301. might increase
  302. might cram in
  303. might push in
  304. might pull up
  305. might lift up
  306. might make someone climb
  307. might give entry
  308. might add
  309. might advance
  310. might aggravate
  311. might walk
  312. might stroll
  313. might make someone walk
  314. might conduct
  315. might crawl
  316. might creep
  317. might take out for grazing
  318. might go
  319. might happen
  320. might function
  321. might run something
  322. might operate
  323. might drive
  324. might bite
  325. might chew
  326. might munch
  327. might sting
  328. might make someone bite
  329. might make something cling to
  330. might clasp on
  331. might fasten on
  332. might sponge up
  333. might dab
  334. might blot up
  335. might design a picture
  336. might tighten
  337. might compress
  338. might mash
  339. might squash
  340. might press
  341. might oppress
  342. might suppress
  343. might constrict
  344. might trickle
  345. might drip
  346. might ooze
  347. might percolate
  348. might split
  349. might chop
  350. might hew
  351. might cut open
  352. might cleave
  353. might incise
  354. might rive
  355. might suck
  356. might juicy mangos in their jackets etc.)
  357. might suckle
  358. might squeeze
  359. might miss out on time
  360. might misguide
  361. might avoid
  362. might repay
  363. might pay off
  364. might be squashed
  365. might be pounded
  366. might be drubbed
  367. might bruise
  368. might drub hard
  369. might put pressure
  370. might be dented
  371. might be pressed
  372. might be squeezed
  373. might dint
  374. might indent
  375. might be constricted
  376. might be flattened
  377. might be crushed
  378. might dent
  379. might tuck
  380. might flatten
  381. might peck
  382. might look
  383. might see
  384. might watch
  385. might observe
  386. might take care of
  387. might burn
  388. might ignite
  389. might cause burn
  390. might light
  391. might kindle an emotion
  392. might create awareness
  393. might convey
  394. might be digested
  395. might digest
  396. might earn
  397. might collect
  398. might assemble
  399. might lunch
  400. might dine
  401. might connect
  402. might join
  403. might affix
  404. might attach
  405. might acquire
  406. might gain
  407. might chant
  408. might quarrel
  409. might fight
  410. might clash
  411. might conflict
  412. might incite quarrel
  413. might chafe
  414. might scratch
  415. might slide
  416. might drub
  417. might sand paper
  418. might give a glimpse
  419. might give a brief look
  420. might display briefly
  421. might babble
  422. might jabber
  423. might drivel
  424. might grumble
  425. might sweep
  426. might guzzle
  427. might drink fast
  428. might quaff
  429. might swig
  430. might deep fry in oil
  431. might row
  432. might stretch
  433. might oar
  434. might paddle
  435. might tow
  436. might get heated
  437. might chide
  438. might infuriate
  439. might control
  440. might bear
  441. might endure
  442. might tolerate
  443. might whittle
  444. might pare
  445. might remove the rib from the coconut leaf
  446. might get wet
  447. might get soaked
  448. might wet
  449. might soak
  450. might break
  451. might cause to break
  452. might nip
  453. might lean
  454. might cause to lean
  455. might inject
  456. might pat
  457. might beat mildly
  458. might paste
  459. might stick
  460. might smear
  461. might powder
  462. might dry grind
  463. might mill
  464. might pulverise
  465. might keep
  466. might place
  467. might retain
  468. might possess
  469. might put
  470. might lay
  471. might reserve
  472. might cross
  473. might surpass
  474. might go by
  475. might pass by
  476. might cause to cross
  477. might cause to surpass
  478. might cause to go by
  479. might cause to pass by
  480. might smother
  481. might suppress by weight
  482. might show
  483. might indicate
  484. might display
  485. might point out
  486. might reveal
  487. might disclose
  488. might exhibit
  489. might demonstrate
  490. might evince
  491. might notice
  492. might view
  493. might gaze
  494. might discern
  495. might spot
  496. might note
  497. might detect
  498. might witness
  499. might glimpse
  500. might lay eyes on
  501. might give
  502. might pay
  503. might handover
  504. might gift
  505. might grant
  506. might proffer
  507. might award
  508. might bestow
  509. might deliver
  510. might turnover
  511. might give permission
  512. might allow
  513. might compel to give
  514. might hurt
  515. might inflict pain
  516. might cause mental agitation
  517. might inflict sorrow
  518. might displease
  519. might pain
  520. might ache
  521. might dismount
  522. might descend
  523. might alight
  524. might climb down
  525. might decrease
  526. might abate
  527. might cause to decrease
  528. might cause to drop
  529. might cause to abate
  530. might cause to recede
  531. might lower
  532. might lift down
  533. might unload
  534. might lessen
  535. might download
  536. might cause to catch
  537. might cause to arrest
  538. might handle
  539. might hold
  540. might catch
  541. might arrest
  542. might capture
  543. might seize
  544. might take in hand
  545. might catch hold of
  546. might grab
  547. might rock and fro
  548. might sway
  549. might be pendulous
  550. might oscillate
  551. might pendulate
  552. might rock
  553. might swing someone and fro
  554. might dawdle
  555. might close
  556. might shut
  557. might shutter
  558. might put the lid on
  559. might drive away
  560. might expel
  561. might oust
  562. might run
  563. might dart
  564. might gallop
  565. might race
  566. might smash on some hard substance
  567. might cause to smash
  568. might bang
  569. might constrain
  570. might be pushed
  571. might be shoved
  572. might be jostled
  573. might be shifted
  574. might push
  575. might shove
  576. might jostle
  577. might shift
  578. might fumigate
  579. might fill with smoke
  580. might rinse
  581. might wash
  582. might cause something to be dusty
  583. might cause to rinse
  584. might cause to wash
  585. might cause to clean
  586. might cause to launder
  587. might comb using fingers
  588. might dance
  589. might jump in joy
  590. might make someone dance
  591. might get out
  592. might loosen
  593. might be dislocated
  594. might come out
  595. might be liberated
  596. might detach
  597. might dislodge
  598. might unbuckle
  599. might unbutton
  600. might unhitch
  601. might cause to loosen
  602. might cause to detach
  603. might exert force
  604. might push hard
  605. might put someone to sleep
  606. might lull to sleep
  607. might sleep
  608. might slumber
  609. might finish
  610. might settle a business
  611. might hide
  612. might remain unseen
  613. might hide oneself
  614. might conceal
  615. might cover up
  616. might blot out
  617. might slip away
  618. might take or slip off
  619. might remove knots
  620. might make loose
  621. might cause to drain
  622. might get cold
  623. might cool
  624. might calm down
  625. might bathe someone
  626. might take bath
  627. might dress
  628. might attire
  629. might clothe
  630. might dress someone
  631. might fall
  632. might drop down
  633. might lay down
  634. might be bedridden
  635. might cause to fall down
  636. might return
  637. might go back
  638. might make someone return
  639. might force someone to return something
  640. might cause to send someone back
  641. might spread fragrance
  642. might massage
  643. might behold
  644. might perceive
  645. might wrap oneself in
  646. might harvest
  647. might roll out
  648. might cause to spread
  649. might spread
  650. might reach
  651. might transport
  652. might ration out
  653. might cause to tear
  654. might cause to rip
  655. might tear
  656. might rip
  657. might rent
  658. might ripen
  659. might cause to ripen
  660. might mangle
  661. might pull-out
  662. might tear off
  663. might drink
  664. might wring
  665. might blow out
  666. might cause to drink
  667. might make someone drink
  668. might let absorb liquid
  669. might gather
  670. might glean
  671. might worship
  672. might bury
  673. might fill up
  674. might wipe
  675. might mop
  676. might get buried
  677. might get filled up
  678. might get something buried
  679. might get someone to fill up
  680. might send
  681. might dispatch
  682. might level
  683. might slice
  684. might swim
  685. might float
  686. might leak
  687. might nourish
  688. might bring up
  689. might scrub and rinse
  690. might extract
  691. might rear
  692. might cheat
  693. might dupe
  694. might betray
  695. might fool
  696. might deceive
  697. might be cheated
  698. might be duped
  699. might be betrayed
  700. might be fooled
  701. might be deceived
  702. might trick
  703. might defraud
  704. might swindle
  705. might hoodwink
  706. might mislead
  707. might cause to flourish
  708. might flourish
  709. might kick
  710. might beat or thrash
  711. might sprinkle
  712. might strew
  713. might disperse
  714. might shake off
  715. might dust
  716. might whisk of dust
  717. might flick off
  718. might sift
  719. might winnow
  720. might rebuff
  721. might rob
  722. might plunder
  723. might steal
  724. might rend
  725. might slash
  726. might dissect
  727. might tatter
  728. might worsen
  729. might intensify
  730. might intensify a problem
  731. might boost a row
  732. might blow
  733. might sulk
  734. might wallow in water
  735. might inflate
  736. might increase in volume
  737. might macerate
  738. might detonate
  739. might cause to detonate
  740. might forcefully open a flower
  741. might open a closed thing
  742. might roast to puff
  743. might cause to squash
  744. might cause to squelch
  745. might write
  746. might pen
  747. might dry out
  748. might bind
  749. might tie
  750. might construct
  751. might wilt
  752. might wither
  753. might fade
  754. might convert
  755. might cause to convert
  756. might cross over
  757. might tread across
  758. might get over
  759. might conserve
  760. might keep safely
  761. might refrain
  762. might preserve
  763. might stoop
  764. might bow
  765. might bend
  766. might droop
  767. might slump
  768. might sag
  769. might cause to bend
  770. might cause to curve
  771. might drown
  772. might get immersed
  773. might sink
  774. might be submerged
  775. might dip
  776. might immerse
  777. might cause to sink
  778. might cause to submerge
  779. might dirty
  780. might soil
  781. might foul
  782. might scribble illegibly
  783. might scrawl
  784. might tear away at
  785. might claw
  786. might cause to soil
  787. might cause to dirty
  788. might cause to sour
  789. might sit
  790. might settle down
  791. might settle
  792. might seat
  793. might deposit
  794. might cause to settle
  795. might cause to bleach
  796. might cause discolour
  797. might cause canker
  798. might get filled
  799. might eat fast
  800. might cause to fill
  801. might feed fast
  802. might adulterate
  803. might pollute
  804. might defile
  805. might desecrate
  806. might contaminate
  807. might roast
  808. might cause to form mould
  809. might soak in
  810. might cause to soak in
  811. might threaten
  812. might frighten very much
  813. might intimidate
  814. might appal
  815. might get out of clutches
  816. might fear
  817. might be frenzied
  818. might be violent
  819. might be uncontrollable
  820. might paw
  821. might burst
  822. might rupture
  823. might crack
  824. might bark
  825. might torment
  826. might make suffer
  827. might enjoy
  828. might suffer
  829. might give a tour
  830. might walk around
  831. might roam
  832. might go around
  833. might travel
  834. might enchant
  835. might incant spell
  836. might talk secretly
  837. might celebrate
  838. might die
  839. might expire
  840. might set
  841. might form a scum
  842. might stick surfaces
  843. might arrange
  844. might beg
  845. might request
  846. might ask
  847. might pray god
  848. might beseech
  849. might demand
  850. might implore
  851. might tread
  852. might touch with feet
  853. might trample
  854. might cause to touch with feet
  855. might cause to trample
  856. might get fatter and fatter
  857. might have a luxuriant growth
  858. might make someone beat
  859. might beat
  860. might kill
  861. might fasten or clip
  862. might adorn the hair
  863. might charm
  864. might coquet
  865. might entice
  866. might assist in urinating
  867. might urinate
  868. might be let off
  869. might be released
  870. might disrobe
  871. might get out of difficulties
  872. might let go
  873. might release
  874. might slip off
  875. might take off
  876. might get measured
  877. might get counted
  878. might count
  879. might calculate
  880. might obtain
  881. might meet
  882. might find
  883. might accomplish
  884. might attain
  885. might get possession of
  886. might cause to meet
  887. might get mixed
  888. might mingle
  889. might merge
  890. might blend
  891. might cause to merge
  892. might cause to blend
  893. might get damaged
  894. might cause to fold
  895. might measure
  896. might sing
  897. might say
  898. might come
  899. might colour
  900. might dye
  901. might cry
  902. might weep
  903. might make someone cry
  904. might harass
  905. might wait
  906. might expect
  907. might await
  908. might protect
  909. might guard
  910. might defend
  911. might look after
  912. might keep safe
  913. might keep from harm
  914. might safeguard
  915. might shield
  916. might shelter
  917. might secure
  918. might stay
  919. might stand
  920. might live
  921. might make home
  922. might stop
  923. might dwell
  924. might make one stay
  925. might cause to end
  926. might pause
  927. might make upright
  928. might halt some action
  929. might penetrate
  930. might permeate
  931. might infiltrate
  932. might wobble
  933. might embarrass
  934. might disconcert
  935. might abash
  936. might make one feel shy
  937. might be abashed
  938. might be embarrassed
  939. might roll
  940. might sprawl
  941. might turn over and over
  942. might hang
  943. might cause to hang something
  944. might like
  945. might be in contact
  946. might take root
  947. might start
  948. might begin
  949. might fit
  950. might be hit
  951. might make someone touch
  952. might make someone accept someone or thing
  953. might re-root a plant
  954. might start something
  955. might besmear
  956. might hitch
  957. might fix
  958. might convey tales of each other
  959. might arrange a link up with someone
  960. might apply
  961. might daub
  962. might coat
  963. might smudge
  964. might plead
  965. might scald
  966. might immolate
  967. might cremate
  968. might cause burning
  969. might aggravate a problem
  970. might envy
  971. might lick
  972. might account
  973. might compute
  974. might think out
  975. might reckon
  976. might consider
  977. might wear or pull on garments roughly
  978. might misplace
  979. might lose
  980. might waste
  981. might depart
  982. might leave
  983. might remain
  984. might exist
  985. might forgo
  986. might cause to crave
  987. might flatter
  988. might compliment
  989. might be alive
  990. might survive
  991. might make escape
  992. might help live
  993. might rescue
  994. might save
  995. might spare
  996. might distribute
  997. might disburse
  998. might give out
  999. might apportion
  1000. might allot
  1001. might allocate
  1002. might make someone read
  1003. might read
  1004. might make someone play musical instruments
  1005. might make someone ring
  1006. might make someone play music
  1007. might ring
  1008. might play music
  1009. might cause someone to grind
  1010. might wet grind
  1011. might extinguish
  1012. might put out
  1013. might douse
  1014. might be extinguished
  1015. might change (money into smaller denominations)
  1016. might serve food
  1017. might dole out meals
  1018. might dry
  1019. might cause to overflow
  1020. might scatter
  1021. might sell
  1022. might vend
  1023. might weave
  1024. might plait
  1025. might knit
  1026. might braid
  1027. might interlace
  1028. might intertwine
  1029. might interweave
  1030. might weave the roof
  1031. might forget
  1032. might cease to remember
  1033. might choose
  1034. might pick
  1035. might select
  1036. might separate
  1037. might coil
  1038. might encircle
  1039. might be pulled
  1040. might be taut
  1041. might plant
  1042. might sow
  1043. might comb
  1044. might take away
  1045. might carry away
  1046. might carry or bear burden
  1047. might flow
  1048. might drift away
  1049. might sneeze
  1050. might decorate
  1051. might adorn
  1052. might water
  1053. might irrigate
  1054. might spray by hand
  1055. might sew
  1056. might stitch
  1057. might thatch
  1058. might study
  1059. might learn
  1060. might teach
  1061. might instruct
  1062. might educate
  1063. might train
  1064. might stew
  1065. might fit tight
  1066. might get involved
  1067. might get trapped
  1068. might trap
  1069. might jam in
  1070. might block
  1071. might entangle
  1072. might entrap
  1073. might cause to fit tight
  1074. might cause to entangle
  1075. might curse
  1076. might go missing
  1077. might leave food on plate without eating
  1078. might foment
  1079. might warm
  1080. might cause to dampen
  1081. might get loose
  1082. might explain
  1083. might make understand
  1084. might help comprehend
  1085. might comfort
  1086. might pacify
  1087. might end
  1088. might be over
  1089. might be spent
  1090. might cause to finish
  1091. might mention
  1092. might pronounce
  1093. might adjust
  1094. might rekindle
  1095. might boost
  1096. might stuff in
  1097. might finish off
  1098. might pass (time)
  1099. might spend
  1100. might lose weight
  1101. might cause to dry
  1102. might cause to loose weight
  1103. might get inflamed
  1104. might have water retention
  1105. might be bloated
  1106. might bulge
  1107. might slay
  1108. might suggest
  1109. might lose hold
  1110. might get someone leave
  1111. might cause to disentangle
  1112. might cause to extricate
  1113. might cause release
  1114. might cause to relieve
  1115. might set free
  1116. might disentangle
  1117. might extricate
  1118. might let go of hold
  1119. might cause to search
  1120. might cause to seek
  1121. might search
  1122. might hunt
  1123. might look out
  1124. might peel
  1125. might skin
  1126. might dehusk
  1127. might spread blankets
  1128. might spread mattress or bedding
  1129. might excrete
  1130. might defecate
  1131. might bring
  1132. might fetch
  1133. might fail
  1134. might face debacle
  1135. might face defeat
  1136. might defeat
  1137. might make someone fail
  1138. might move
  1139. might shake
  1140. might wag
  1141. might laugh
  1142. might smile
  1143. might grin
  1144. might ridicule
  1145. might insult
  1146. might cause to laugh
  1147. might make someone take in the smell
  1148. might smell
  1149. might sniff
  1150. might snoop
  1151. might get someone uproot
  1152. might root out
  1153. might eradicate
  1154. might wipe out
  1155. might pull up by roots
  1156. might cause to sting
  1157. might cause anxiety
  1158. might cause worry
  1159. might talk harshly in loud voice
Abstract nounsभाववाचक संज्ञा
  1. a natural skill
  2. a state of feeling hot/steamed
  3. a state of sleeplessness
  4. a state of wakefulness
  5. ability
  6. abstinence
  7. abstinence from eating
  8. acceptance
  9. acclimatisation
  10. account
  11. accursed memory
  12. accustoming
  13. acquaintance
  14. act
  15. act of god
  16. action
  17. adolescence
  18. adulterant
  19. adulteration
  20. advancement
  21. advantage
  22. adversity
  23. advice
  24. advocacy
  25. affection
  26. affluence
  27. affordability
  28. affray
  29. aftermath
  30. agitation
  31. agitation of mind
  32. agony
  33. aid
  34. alarm
  35. all seasons
  36. all-night vigil
  37. alliance
  38. allurement
  39. alms
  40. amity
  41. amnesia
  42. amusement
  43. anger
  44. angle
  45. anguish
  46. annihilation
  47. annoyance
  48. anxiety
  49. apnoea
  50. appeal
  51. appearance
  52. appetite
  53. apprehension
  54. aptitude
  55. ardent devotion
  56. area of command
  57. argumentative reply
  58. arrogance
  59. asphyxiation
  60. assailment
  61. assemblage
  62. assistance
  63. atrocity
  64. auction
  65. avarice
  66. aversion
  67. avidity
  68. awareness
  69. babel
  70. back biting report
  71. back stabbing
  72. back talk
  73. backing
  74. bad behaviour
  75. badness
  76. balance
  77. bankruptcy
  78. base
  79. bashfulness
  80. battering
  81. battle
  82. beauty
  83. beginning
  84. bellow
  85. benefit
  86. betrayal
  87. betterment
  88. bias
  89. bickering
  90. blame
  91. blessing
  92. blow
  93. blunder
  94. boasting
  95. body shape
  96. boldness
  97. boon
  98. boredom
  99. borrowal
  100. bottom
  101. bragging
  102. bravery
  103. brawl
  104. brawn
  105. brilliance
  106. burden
  107. business
  108. buying and selling
  109. calamity
  110. calculation
  111. capability
  112. capacity
  113. caste
  114. catalyst
  115. cause
  116. centre
  117. chance given by fate
  118. chanting
  119. charity
  120. charm
  121. chattering
  122. cheating
  123. childbirth
  124. childhood
  125. choking
  126. churning
  127. clamour
  128. clash
  129. cleanness
  130. cleverness
  131. climax
  132. coaching
  133. code
  134. common sense
  135. commotion
  136. company
  137. complaint
  138. complication
  139. compliment
  140. comprehension
  141. computation
  142. conceit
  143. concern
  144. conclusion
  145. condition
  146. confidential
  147. confidential information
  148. confidential matter
  149. conflict
  150. confusion
  151. congregation
  152. consciousness
  153. consequence
  154. contemplation
  155. continuous
  156. contortion of face
  157. cooking time
  158. copper rust
  159. corpse
  160. count
  161. countenance
  162. courage
  163. cowardliness
  164. craving
  165. credit
  166. crookedness
  167. cry of grief
  168. current
  169. curse
  170. custom
  171. cuteness
  172. dallying
  173. darkness
  174. dawdling
  175. daydream
  176. dead body
  177. dealings
  178. death
  179. debacle
  180. deceit
  181. deception
  182. decision
  183. declivity
  184. defeat
  185. defect
  186. defence
  187. deficit
  188. delay
  189. deliverance
  190. delivery
  191. demonic possession
  192. denial
  193. depression
  194. descent
  195. descent underwater
  196. desire
  197. destiny
  198. destruction
  199. detour
  200. development
  201. dexterity
  202. difficult spell
  203. difficulty
  204. dilemma
  205. disadvantage
  206. discourse
  207. disgust
  208. dishonesty
  209. display
  210. disrespectful retort
  211. dissension
  212. distress
  213. distribution
  214. distrust
  215. disturbance
  216. disturbed mind
  217. dive
  218. divine blessing
  219. doggedness
  220. doing
  221. domain
  222. dominion
  223. donation
  224. doneness
  225. double crossing
  226. double-dealing
  227. downward inclination
  228. dramatic art
  229. drawback
  230. dream
  231. drought
  232. drowsiness
  233. dullness
  234. duplicity
  235. durability
  236. durableness
  237. duty
  238. education
  239. effort
  240. egoism
  241. emaciation
  242. emancipation
  243. embarrassment
  244. embroilment
  245. emotion
  246. empire
  247. empty hand
  248. empty stomach
  249. encumbrance
  250. end
  251. endearment
  252. ending
  253. endurance
  254. energy
  255. enjoyment
  256. enmity
  257. enquiry
  258. entanglement
  259. entertainment
  260. enthusiasm
  261. envy
  262. epoch
  263. eradication
  264. error
  265. escape
  266. essence
  267. eulogy
  268. evidence
  269. exaggerating conversation
  270. exaggeration
  271. example
  272. exchange
  273. excuse
  274. exercise
  275. exertions
  276. exhaustion
  277. exhilaration
  278. existence
  279. expenditure
  280. expense
  281. expertise
  282. extermination
  283. extract
  284. fact
  285. faculty
  286. failure
  287. faith
  288. falsehood
  289. fame
  290. familiarity
  291. fasting
  292. fate
  293. fatigue
  294. fault
  295. favouritism
  296. fever
  297. fib
  298. fight
  299. finery
  300. first night
  301. fitness
  302. flair
  303. flame of life
  304. flight
  305. flow
  306. folly
  307. fondness
  308. foolery
  309. foolish behaviour
  310. foolishness
  311. force
  312. forgetfulness
  313. forgoing
  314. form
  315. fortune
  316. fraction
  317. fraud
  318. fraudulence
  319. fray
  320. free time
  321. freedom
  322. friendship(fig)
  323. frugality
  324. fruitfulness
  325. fun
  326. fury
  327. fuss
  328. gain
  329. gauntness
  330. genealogy
  331. generation
  332. gesticulation(fig)
  333. ghost
  334. give and take
  335. glimpse
  336. glory
  337. gluttony
  338. god of death
  339. good character
  340. goodness
  341. gospel
  342. gossip
  343. gradations of cooking
  344. grandeur
  345. greatness
  346. greed
  347. green thumb
  348. grimace
  349. group
  350. group conversation
  351. growth
  352. guidance
  353. gush
  354. habit
  355. handout
  356. hankering
  357. hard times
  358. hardheartedness
  359. hardiness
  360. hardship
  361. harm
  362. harmony
  363. haste
  364. haughtiness
  365. haunting of a ghost
  366. health
  367. heaven
  368. help
  369. hesitation
  370. high spiritedness
  371. highest point
  372. hoax
  373. hollering
  374. hollow
  375. honour
  376. hostility
  377. hullabaloo
  378. humanity
  379. humiliation
  380. humility
  381. hunger
  382. hunting
  383. hurdle
  384. hydrophobia
  385. hypocrisy
  386. identicalness
  387. ill will
  388. illness
  389. imbroglio
  390. immersion
  391. impediment
  392. imperfection
  393. impoverishment
  394. imprecation
  395. inability to remember
  396. inadequacy
  397. incantation for destruction of human beings
  398. incident
  399. incitement
  400. inclination
  401. increase
  402. increment
  403. indication
  404. indirect language
  405. infancy
  406. inference
  407. information
  408. infuriation
  409. insignificant
  410. insincerity
  411. insistence
  412. insolence
  413. insolvency
  414. instigation
  415. instruction
  416. insufficiency
  417. intelligence
  418. interest
  419. interruption
  420. interval
  421. intoxication
  422. invocation
  423. ire
  424. jealousy
  425. jet
  426. journey
  427. jurisdiction
  428. justification
  429. kingdom
  430. knack for successful outcome
  431. knowledge
  432. labour
  433. lack
  434. lamentation
  435. languor
  436. lapse
  437. lapse of memory
  438. lastingness
  439. laziness
  440. leanness
  441. learning
  442. leavings
  443. leftover
  444. leisure
  445. lengthy conversation
  446. lethargy
  447. level
  448. liberation
  449. lie
  450. life
  451. life time
  452. lifetime up to death from present time
  453. likeness
  454. liking
  455. limitation
  456. lingering
  457. liveliness
  458. living thing
  459. load
  460. loan
  461. loathing
  462. local area
  463. locality
  464. longing
  465. look
  466. loot
  467. loss of memory
  468. loud cry
  469. love
  470. loving displeasure
  471. madness
  472. malicious tale
  473. maliciousness
  474. manhood
  475. mastery
  476. maturity
  477. means
  478. memory
  479. memory lapse
  480. menses
  481. mental stress
  482. middle
  483. might
  484. miscalculation
  485. mischief
  486. misconception
  487. misconstruction
  488. miserable period of time
  489. miserliness
  490. misinterpretation
  491. mistake
  492. misunderstanding
  493. mobility
  494. mode
  495. model
  496. momentary sighting
  497. money
  498. monotony
  499. motto
  500. movement
  501. mulishness
  502. muteness
  503. nakedness
  504. name
  505. naughtiness
  506. negation
  507. neighbourhood
  508. news
  509. nightfall
  510. nightmare
  511. novelty
  512. nudity
  513. nuisanse
  514. nurturing
  515. obstacle
  516. obstinacy
  517. occasion
  518. old age
  519. omen
  520. omission
  521. one meal diet
  522. originality
  523. outcome
  524. outing
  525. outlook
  526. oversight
  527. overweight
  528. overwhelmedness
  529. overwhelming desire
  530. pacing
  531. pangs
  532. panic
  533. paradise
  534. paranoia
  535. part
  536. partiality
  537. partition
  538. pass time
  539. paucity
  540. penchant
  541. penury
  542. performance
  543. period
  544. perseverance
  545. persistence
  546. perspective
  547. pertinacity
  548. pestilence
  549. physical fight
  550. pilferage
  551. pillage
  552. pinnacle
  553. pit
  554. pitch
  555. place
  556. plunder
  557. plunge
  558. poltergeist
  559. poor and needy
  560. portion
  561. poverty
  562. power
  563. practice
  564. prank
  565. prayer ceremony
  566. precinct
  567. predicament
  568. pretext
  569. privation
  570. problem
  571. proceeds
  572. product
  573. profit
  574. progress
  575. promise
  576. proof
  577. prosperous state
  578. proverb
  579. provocation
  580. prowess
  581. prudence
  582. purity
  583. puzzlement
  584. qualities
  585. quality of singing notes
  586. quandary
  587. quarrel
  588. query
  589. quest
  590. quiet
  591. quota
  592. rage
  593. ramble
  594. ransacking
  595. reality
  596. realm
  597. reason
  598. reciprocation
  599. refrain
  600. refusal
  601. regime
  602. regret
  603. religious bigotry
  604. religious fanaticism
  605. religious ritual
  606. remainder
  607. remaining period of life
  608. remains
  609. remedy
  610. remembrance
  611. remnant
  612. repair
  613. repetition
  614. report
  615. reputation
  616. request
  617. resemblance
  618. resentment
  619. residue
  620. respect
  621. restlessness
  622. restoration
  623. restricted diet
  624. result
  625. revel
  626. revenge
  627. reverie
  628. revulsion
  629. rhythm
  630. right
  631. riot
  632. robustness
  633. routine
  634. row
  635. ruin
  636. ruination
  637. rule
  638. rumour
  639. sacrifice
  640. salutation
  641. salvation
  642. sample
  643. scarcity
  644. score
  645. scream
  646. scrimping
  647. scuffle
  648. second nature
  649. secret
  650. secrets
  651. selfishness
  652. semblance
  653. senility
  654. sense about the order of sound
  655. sensibility
  656. sensitivity
  657. sermon
  658. service
  659. set back
  660. shame
  661. share
  662. sharpness
  663. shift
  664. shock
  665. short cut
  666. short memory
  667. shortage
  668. shout
  669. show
  670. showing off
  671. shyness
  672. sight
  673. silence
  674. similarity
  675. similitude
  676. skinniness
  677. skirmish
  678. slight intoxication
  679. slip up
  680. slope
  681. sluggishness
  682. slyness
  683. smarting
  684. snag
  685. snobbery
  686. sobs
  687. soul
  688. space
  689. spark of life
  690. special worth
  691. species
  692. speculation
  693. spending
  694. spite
  695. spotlessness
  696. spurt
  697. squirt
  698. stamina
  699. starvation
  700. stealing
  701. still birth
  702. sting
  703. stinginess
  704. strain
  705. stream
  706. strength
  707. strength in limbs
  708. stress
  709. strife
  710. stroll
  711. stubbornly mean character
  712. stubbornness
  713. stumbling block
  714. stupidity
  715. stupidity(fig)
  716. submersion
  717. suffering
  718. suffocation
  719. support
  720. surplus
  721. surroundings
  722. survival
  723. suspicion
  724. swelter
  725. tale
  726. tally
  727. tangle
  728. tantrums
  729. teaching
  730. teetotalism
  731. tenacity
  732. tendency
  733. tenderness
  734. tension
  735. territory
  736. the state of being cooked
  737. thirst
  738. thriftiness
  739. time
  740. tipsiness
  741. tiredness
  742. toil
  743. torpor
  744. tour
  745. trade
  746. training
  747. trashing
  748. travel
  749. treachery
  750. trend
  751. trepidation
  752. trickery
  753. trip
  754. trouble
  755. truth
  756. tuition
  757. turbulence
  758. turmoil
  759. turn
  760. ugliness
  761. unanimity
  762. undefiled condition
  763. understanding
  764. uneasiness
  765. unfavourable condition
  766. union
  767. unity
  768. unreasonable price
  769. untouchability
  770. untruth
  771. upheaval
  772. uproar
  773. uprooting
  774. upshot
  775. value
  776. vanity
  777. variety
  778. verdigris
  779. veto
  780. vicinity
  781. view
  782. viewpoint
  783. vigour
  784. villainy
  785. virtue
  786. virtues
  787. vision
  788. visitation
  789. vitality
  790. vow
  791. wail
  792. war
  793. way
  794. weakness
  795. weariness
  796. welfare
  797. whole
  798. wholesome diet
  799. wickedness
  800. wisdom
  801. wont
  802. worry
  803. worship
  804. writhing pain
  805. yearning
  806. yell
  807. young age
  808. youthfulness
  809. zing